PDNob Windows

PDNob Shortcuts helps you cut down tedious, repetitive daily task.

  • Support OCR, screenshots, launching apps, unlocking web pages, scheduling PC shutdown, and more.
  • Simulate keyboard shortcuts, no need to remember tons of shortcut keys.
  • Save text template that you frequently use and one-click send it next time.
  • Run selected text, for example, URL, file/folder destination, command prompt.
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Considering there is no learning curve to it, the program caters to all individuals no matter their technical skills. You can simply import workflows from the thousands creators have shared.


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The application lets you create two types of shortcuts. The upper half gives you a dozen semi-predefined examples to start with. The bottom half is where the user gets more control over the shortcuts.


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PDNob Shortcuts is a nifty program that allows for shortcut creation and customization. Users with over-cumbered desktops can use the program to facilitate access to programs, webpages, or any other application.


Streamline Your Work on PC

PDNob Windows Shortcuts frees you for dealing with cumbersome native Windows navigation and the distraction of repetitive tasks.


PDNob Windows Shortcuts has a built-in OCR (Optial Character Recognition) feature that enable you to extract text from image.

App launcher

PDNob Windows Shortcuts makes it easy to access any of your computer applications and create a shortcut to open it. You can launch your applications blazing fast in the future while keeping your desktop organized and free up space.

Google it

If you are in a situation where you need to frequently search for specialized/uncommon words, then PDNob Windows shortcut comes in handy. Just select the word you want to google, click the "Google it" icon,and the search results will pop up.

Less effort, more gain

Create shortcuts for anything you use frequently

Frequently used operations are at your fingertips

Customize your own unique workflow

Once a workflow is set up, you can automate the task in the future within few clicks

Free download more than 200 actions shared by other users

Even a muggle can make good use of PDNob Windows Shortcuts

Experience its Efficient 3-Click Process

Step 1: Press scroll wheel to activate the program.
Step 2: Customize your unique workflow.
Step 3: One-click automate the task in the future.
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If you are a beginner, this tutorial will teach you how to create your first workflow. You should definitely check out this step-by-step instruction.

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Don't hesitate to try what PDNob Shortcuts can boost your work productivity!

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